Diyarbakir (Turkey), 06/02/2023.- Emergency personnel search for victims at the site of a collapsed building after a powerful earthquake in Diyarbakir, southeast of Turkey, 06 February 2023. According to the US Geological Service, an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.8 struck southern Turkey close to the Syrian border. The earthquake caused buildings to collapse and sent shockwaves over northwest Syria, Cyprus, and Lebanon. 284 people were confirmed dead and more than 2,000 have been injured in Turkey, Turkish vice president said. (Terremoto/sismo, Chipre, Líbano, Siria, Turquía) EFE/EPA/DENIZ TEKIN
Terremoto de magnitud 7.7 en Turquía y Siria deja más de 3 mil muertes. La serie de potentes terremotos que ha sacudido hoy la zona fronteriza entre Turquía y Siria ha dejado, de momento, 1,941 muertos y casi 10 mil heridos en los dos países, y ha derruido miles de edificios.